HOLY SMOKE was formed in 1997 as a result of a vision from the LORD. From the beginning, the band has played music to glorify GOD, spread HIS Gospel and live the Christian life. HOLY SMOKE's passion for JESUS, people and music has kept that original vision alive.
HOLY SMOKE is a Baltimore, MD. based Southern-rock, blues-laced band of Christians that is “Fired Up” for JESUS. They play anywhere and everywhere the LORD directs. The members’ musical talents are exceeded only by their desire to reach people with the message of salvation, not only through their music, but also in how they live out their daily lives. This message is delivered with meaningful lyrics and high energy performances. Each band member understands that they have been blessed with the opportunity to present the Gospel of CHRIST in this unique fashion. People young and old alike, leave the concerts knowing that JESUS is LORD and SAVIOR of their lives-and they can live enjoyable, fulfilling and even fun lives!
HOLY SMOKE has ministered in churches, coffee houses, clubs, festivals and Car & Bike shows. Fishnet 01 & 03 and the National Rally of the Heaven Saints Motorcycle Ministry are also amongst their performances.s
See PAST EVENTS page for more details